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Help ensure your project's success by following the art requirement guidelines below. Or, to have one of our award-winning graphic designers assist you, visit The Design Studio.


Acceptable file formats

Vector art is highly recommended for all artwork. This includes Adobe Illustrator (.AI), Encapsulated Post Script (.EPS), Portable Document Format (.PDF), InDesign (Package Files), and PhotoShop.



Artwork must extend at least 1/8" beyond the die line on each side. Allow for 1/8" print margin inside the die line as well.



Package all fonts & images. If fonts are included with files, all text must be converted to the outlines. Outlined fonts cannot be changed or edited. Outline fonts ensure no loss in submitted artwork's original appearance.

sending artwork

Artwork submission options include sending files to your Account Executive and/or sending art files via WeTransfer.

colors and


All artwork must be in CMKY format - RGB is not acceptable. Black and white artwork must be provided in GRAYSCALE format. Keep all files layered and artwork resolution must be at least 300 dpi at 100% in size or there will be a substantial drop in image quality.

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