Marketing professionals usually understand why a marketing asset management system (MAMS) is essential for operating a sales force with marketing backup. At any given point, an organization has tons of sales and marketing collateral moving through the system – from design and creation to printing, shipping, and distribution to customers in the field.
A MAMS is essential to keeping track of this ongoing flurry of activity. But how do you tackle the problem of keeping up with dozens – if not hundreds – of users who all need something from you?
That’s where user management comes in.
Here, we’ll talk about user management features in a marketing asset management system and why they’re important.
What is User Management?
User management is the process by which a system and its operator – i.e. you – keep track of all the users of your sales and marketing collateral.
For a business with a sales force, your users are your salespeople. They can also be designers and other creative professionals, executives, and members of your team.
User management offers the only real way you can keep up with all the different people involved in your organization (and keep your sanity). Without it, you can easily lose track of orders from the field, which results in your salespeople being left out to dry without the collateral they need.
How User Management Works
User management – like that found in our marketing asset management system, DigiFLO™ – uses a secure, web-based platform to allow your employees to access the system 24 hours a day from any desktop or mobile device.
There is a variety of user combinations that can be supported by your typical user management apparatus. For example, in DigiFLO™, each user is given customized access to the system with their own username and password, so they can get the approved marketing collateral they need.
User levels start at the most basic user, who has limited access to the system. The next-highest level is the regional level (the “power user”); above that is the administrative level (the “super user”). This system allows you to manage permissions for the system so that each user has only the amount of access you want to give them.
User management also facilitates communication. You can keep everyone on the same page, which streamlines and simplifies managing field requests.
Finally, you can track field demands to the appropriate person, so that when your team in the field needs something, it goes to the person responsible – who can then easily fulfill the order.
Incorporating User Management Into Your MAMS
User management is an incredibly important part of any marketing asset management system. That’s why we worked hard to make a robust user management system in DigiFLO™, our proprietary marketing asset management system.
Learn more about user management and how you can find the best system for your needs by contacting us today.