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What One National Sales Manager Liked About DigiFLO | Marketing Asset Management System

For those who don’t know, DigiFLO is our proprietary marketing asset management system (MAMS) that helps sales and marketing forces keep track of their collateral and marketing material, order it, and have it shipped.

We like to talk to our customers on a regular basis and get a good feel for what they like about our services, including DigiFLO, and what can be improved. One of these conversations was recently had with a national sales manager, who proceeded to talk to us about the virtues of DigiFLO and what he saw as integral to his processes.

Sales manager describes what he likes about DigiFLO, DMS Color's asset management system

Cost Monitoring and Control

The first thing this national sales manager liked about DigiFLO was cost control and monitoring. With DigiFLO, he knew exactly how much he was spending, and was kept up to date on his spend through email notifications.

He could also go in and set quantities to order and use, which goes a long way to control costs. Also, with DigiFLO, he could see exactly what collateral was being used by which representative, which further speaks to cost control.

As you can imagine, a large and widespread sales organization would benefit tremendously from being able to monitor costs and keep them in check, so that critical collateral can get to where it needs to go to fulfill the mission. In this way, our marketing asset management system is a repository for accounting and accountability.

Outsourced Fulfillment Platform

Another thing he liked about DigiFLO was one of the platform’s key purposes: an outsourced fulfillment platform for sales and marketing collateral.

Being able to design, order, print, and ship from one location from anywhere in the world means his organization saved labor costs, since they didn’t have to hire personnel to carry out these essential tasks. The entire process – from the web to the doorstep – means that we take care of each step in fulfilling a print order for sales and marketing collateral and ensuring that it arrives where it needs to be, when it needs to be there.

Learn more about how DigiFLO helps sales and marketing professionals like our client, and see how it can benefit your organization.


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